Friday, June 22, 2007


Morning Everyone!

In about 1 hour we're leaving for the Hellava Lounge in Kobe, right now most of us are probably sleeping since we didn't go to sleep until the early hours.
Yesterday we had a going away party for Magnus Lundmark (or Magnadochious to YMDITD-Brian) who's been our photographer, heavy drinker and main trouble instigator this far on the tour. Thanks for coming with us Magnus, yr welcome anytime!!

Last night's show at Drop in Osaka was a bit wierd. This city is apparantly a big hiphop-city, and all over the place where we played there was all these bad-ass hiphoppers hanging around.

The sound onstage was horrible and we couldn't hear anything at all...we kept telling the soundguy to turn up our guitars in the monitors but nothing happend. We did our best anyways and had a good time playing!!
YMDITD continue to upstage us every night energywise...they´re like 3 balls of concentrated energy just bouncing of the walls of any venue we get to!!!

It was raining all day long yesterday and we tried to do some shopping but it didn't really go to well, with some exceptions. Johan bought himself a kickass pedal-case for about 1/4th of the price back home. Equipment-wise things are improving rapidly here!! Right Brandon?

The best news yesterday tho was that apparantly, Micke is getting to attract alot of attention with japanese girls. Our beloved Boss Kono told us that there's a bit of a buzz surrounding Micke on various blogs and that people have been asking for photosession-time with Micke when we get back to Tokyo!! It's awesome!!

Hanging with the YMDITD-guys are totally awesome, we were a bit worried before the tour about touring 2 weeks with another band that we didn't know at all for 14 days, because we've never done that before. We've always gotten to tour with
bands we really admire, like Once We Were.
But things are working out a-ok and Brain, Dochious and Milk are awesome guys and fantastic musicians!! You HAVE TO check them out! ->

Here's a few various pics from the tour. All of these are crappy mobile-cam pics but better ones are on their way! Take care!

(yeah, still haven't figured out why the pics won't be in the right direction)

1 comment:

Akiko said...

perhaps you'd better use the flickr before my neck bends:D
pls enjoy tour and come back to Tokyo safely!

see you soon:)