Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Japan Tour Day 3: OKAYAMA

The gig in Tokyo at the O-East was amazing!! There was around 800-1000 people at the show and we did good concidering that we were more or less dead from traveling for about 20 hours...
All the Zankyo bands were amazing, especially Té, Naan and YOU.MAY.DIE.IN.THE.DESERT, but there really wasn't a single bad show during the whole evening.

Yesterday we played Kyoto at Whoopees and it was real nice. We did our first really good show and saw some amazing bands. Clean Of Core and Low-Pass were amazing! We also hung out backstage for a while before leaving for our hotel.
Kyoto is beautiful by night.

Here we are with the Y.M.D.I.T.D-guys, eating indian food!

Kono and Chung picked us up at 9:30 and we went to the Rokuon-ji temple in Kyoto or "The Golden Pavilion". It's (according to Kono) the most popular and well-visited temple in Japan.

It was amazingly beautiful and we had a really nice time there.

Back at the hotel after a looong day! We played at Crazy Mama 2 in Okayama and
it was great. YOU.MAY.DIE.IN.THE.DESERT really kicked ass tonight and S.o.T did good as well.


Today we also got the news that we'll receive a bunch of money for promotion for "This Is A Copy..." from the swedish government. Plans to do a video is under way.

Didn't have a chance to update the blog yesterday so here we are. Gonna try to update as often as possible.

Next stop: Fukuoka...see you there.

much love!
/scraps of tape

1 comment:

Jerker kaj said...

HAJ! (ner med armarna så där fort, som man gör när man hälsar på varandra i japan)

Där sitter scrapsarna och äter indisk mat i Japan. Vänder ryggen mot seden dit man kommer så att folk kan gå bakom den (ryggen alltså)! Typ.

Ni är härliga, beskriver allt som amazing och amazingly och sånt. Miss you!

/ Eder sötgöte hemma i Sverige som under gårdagen smed planer tillsammans med en man med ett namn som sitt band, en annan man med skägg, en hund, en gitarr och en liten Macintosch. Micke kommer bli förtjust!